As a member of LAC, we put your information on the LA Council Web Page with a link to your club web page. We also refer people to the appropriate ski club.
LAC annually offers a one-week trip. These are an excellent value. In addition, as a Council-affiliated Club, members may go on the FWSA trips.
As a Council member club, your members can participate in the discount benefits offered through FWSA and the National Ski Council Federation. There are discounts on rentals, equipment, resorts and some none ski items.
LAC conducted a very intensive study of insurance options available to clubs. Most go through the FWSA insurer, so you know you are in good hands.
In addition to winter ski racing, some years there are summer activities planned such as a picnic. The Snow Gala is an opportunity to meet other Club members, cheer on Man and Woman candidates and have a fun time.
We provide information for Club Officers to help in administration: IRS rules, trip-bidding ethics, finding and keeping members, etc.
Clearing House.
The Council also acts as a clearinghouse for member Clubs to either fill their trips or get their Club members on other Club’s trips. A list of most of the club’s trips will be available soon, and that can help to fill your trips up. .
Skiers Guide.
Comes out annually, usually in June, and is available on the Far West Ski Association website, digital versions now, go to members corners, drop down to publications. Along with the Councilman, comes out twice a year.
Race League.
There is now only ROKKA race league. If you have any questions please contact your club’s race chair or email: Other benefits and discounts come thru FWSA as discounts at various vendors.