TO: All Clubs and Guests to the LAC website:
Los Angeles Council of Ski Clubs, Inc. supports a few charities that are snowsports related. For many years now, LAC has supported one of its clubs, The Unrecables, which is our club which offers adaptive year-round programs in their many ways and forms. The Unrecables also offer the opportunity to club members and guests that would like to assist them for a day or two when the club members are up at Mammoth. If you would like to assist the Unrecables, please check their website for trip dates and contact the trip director. (
We also support, via donation, the Far West Ski Association Athletic Scholarship Program. This program provides scholarships to junior alpine racers, mainly from the California area, with funds to assist them in their racing expenses in the hopes of pursuing a career in ski racing - ultimately as a member of the U.S. Ski Team. Individuals are selected on the basis of financial need, athletic performance, academics, and community service. Los Angeles Council has been an avid supporter of the program since its inception in 2004. Information regarding this program is located at: ( For individual or club contributions please contact David Krupp, Athletic Scholarship Program Chairman at
Lastly, a newer organization we are supporting is the California Ski Library, located in Norco, California. Ingrid Wicken, Director, started this ski library of historic treasures past and current, some dating back into the 1930s. She is very proud of what she has and is putting together to bring the history of snowsports together in one place. The Library is mainly publications from ski clubs, pins, some trophies, books, and a few physical memorabilia pieces. The Library is in the process of expanding, since it was recently announced that a Partnership was formed between the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA)-American Association of Snowboard Instructors (AASI) Western Region, and the California Ski Library that it will be the official PSIA-W archive/repository. In addition, clubs and skiers from all over the US have sent information to display, to have the history all in one place, to make it a snowsports history reference for the future. (
Donations to all these programs can be made through the Far West Ski Foundation, a sister organization to FWSA. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-deductible corporation ( Just designate with your donation exactly which of the above program(s) you would like your funds appropriated.
Sandra Blackwell, LAC President